When Facebook announced they just bought WhatsApp app for $19billion few months ago, you know there must be a reason behind that acquisation - user database. With millions of users and keeps growing, there are huge potential to monetize it.
For normal user, this is not much difference. However, if you own a site and would like to take advantage of this, why don’t you add a WhatsApp social sharing button to your site? This works exactly the same as Facebook Like and Twitter sharing buttons that allow readers to easily share the articles to their social profiles. Here’s a screenshot from The Sport Bible site:
Turned out that adding a WhatsApp sharing button to a WordPress site is really easy. All you need to do is to install and activate Mobile ShareBar plugin. This plugin is developed specifically for mobile and besides WhatsApp button, you could also add Facebook and Twitter social sharing buttons.
The plugin comes with a settings page which can be accessed from Settings > Mobile Sharebar. Here, you can configure default text to be displayed on WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter buttons. Furthermore, you can set where the button should be displayed, position of the buttons and few other options. Additionally, there’s an option to use Bit.ly service as well.
We hope this article helped you to add WhatsApp social sharing button to your WordPress site and take advantage of huge number of users to get your content more viral.
Hi Moumita,
wonderful article about whatsApp Social Sharing Plugins. You have put forward your thoughts in front of us in very effective way.
Thanks for sharing such an informative post.
Using Whats app sharing button is a great idea.Like fb,Twitter and G+ ,whatsapp also will rock
first time i heard about whatsapp sharing button and its great to know about it
it will help us to share our post to many people .thanks for sharing this information