If you’re a a designer or someone in webdesign industry, Dribbble is probably one of your favorite sites when looking for some design inspirations or showcasing your latest design project.
If you have a blog, you probably want to showcase your latest Dribbble shots to your readers. Here’s an example from Rafal Tomal’s site. He’s a lead designer at Copyblogger Media.
Enter Zilladribbbler plugin. This is another free and awesome plugin by Themezilla. This plugin isn’t available from the WordPress.org plugin repo page, but you may download it from the official page.
For better performance, it uses Dribbble API, WordPress HTTP API, and WordPress Transients API to grab you latest shots and cache them.The plugin comes with a widget and shortcode to showcase your latest Dribbble shots anywhere on your site. Pretty awesome.
The plugin uses [zilla_dribbbler]
shortocode and you must specify the “player” and “shots” parameter, where the “player” is your username and “shots” is the number of Dribbble shots you’d like to display. Here’s an example of complete shortcode than can be used [zilla_dribbbler player="username" shots="5"]
To use the widget, look for Zilla Dribbbler widget from your Widgets page and simply drag it to any desired widget location. The widget comes with a panel that allows you to specify Title, Description, Dribbble player and Number of shots to display.
Great plug in! Thank for sharing, I am going to head and look for it right now!