In you’ve been practicing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for your site, you probably have heard of the word “internal backlinking”. Internal backlinking is the practice of linking to other old articles on your site. The logic behind it is simple. By linking to
your old articles, you’re telling those articles are relevant to the current article and basically ask the crawler to recrawl them. This is a good strategy to maintain your old articles in search engine result page (SERP).
One of little things that annoy me is that whenever I link to other article on this site, WordPress will create a pingback. If you’ve been linking to the same article many times, this pingback will look spammy and clutter your comment section.
Here’s an example of a pingback I got on my How Embed Twitter Tweet and Timeline in WordPress tutorial after linking it from my How to Embed Keek Videos in WordPress article.
How can we prevent this self-pingback? It’s quite easy than what I thought. Enter No Self Pings plugin.
The plugin works as it is. No settings panel.
What’s your thought about this idea? Do you have any other solution to this? Do tell us in the comment section below.
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