Previously we’ve written a tutorial on how to moderate user registration [link] for standard WordPress installation. However, if you’re using BuddyPress plugin, you might want the same feature to allow you to moderate your site membership registraion.
Enter BP Registraion Option plugin. This plugin is available for download from plugin repo and helps you to moderate BuddyPress membership registration on your WordPress site.
Once you’ve activated the plugin, simply go to the settings page and tick the first option to enable the feature. Furthermore, on the same page, you’ll be able to define a custom message for waiting approval, approved and denied registration.
This plugin comes with a dedicated page that display list of new user registration. This allows you to easly approve or reject the new accounts in few clicks. It will also display additional information such as username, email address, IP and country of origin.
This plugin could be useful if your site is consistently being hit by spammy users.
We hope this tutorial helped you to fight against spammy users in your BuddyPress-powered site. For more tutorials on BuddyPress and WordPress, don’t forget to subscribe to our RSS and follow us on Twitter and Google+.
I have use this BP plugin several times. Definitely a must for any small social network based on BP. Just default registration fields are too basic.