I love to use Twitter to get latest news about WordPress from other folks. If you want to get latest news and updates about this blog, follow us at @WPSpeak and don’t forget to say hi
In today’s tutorial, I’ll show you how easily it is to embed any tweet andany twitter timeline in your WordPress site. Twitter has been great place for some folks in WordPress to make conversations. Sometimes, you might want to embed someone’s tweet as
1. Embed Twitter tweetreference to his opinions. Instead of taking a screenshot, why not simpy embed the Tweet?
It’s pretty straight forward. Go to the tweet, click the More link and choose the Embed Tweet option. Then, you’ll be given the embed code (something looks like below)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Traffic for <a href="http://t.co/L62SuKvy" title="http://wpspeak.com">wpspeak.com</a> seems pretty good. Now have to start with SEO. This should be fun.</p>— WPSpeak (@WPSpeak) <a href="https://twitter.com/WPSpeak/status/300476649558917121">February 10, 2013</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js?e05d39" charset="utf-8"></script>
Make sure you put the code given in the Text section, not on the Visual section of the post editor. This is the result:
Traffic for wpspeak.com seems pretty good. Now have to start with SEO. This should be fun.
— WPSpeak (@WPSpeak) February 10, 2024
2. Embed Twitter timeline
1. Embedding the Twitter timeline is also very straight forward. Not plugin is needed. Go to Settings > Widgets > Create New
2. Enter the username and domain. Change any other settings as necessary (such as the width of the widget) and hit the Create Widget button.
3. Paste the code given. Besides using it in your post, you might also want to use it as a widget in your sidebar.
Currently there are 4 widgets - Timeline, Favorites, List and Search.
I hope this tutorial will be useful for you,
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