Download Personify, our first Genesis Framework Child Theme. It's FREE

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How to Easily Display Recent Posts in Carousel

In today’s tutorial, we’d like to show you a creative way to display your recent posts in WordPress site. Instead just a static post, we will display the recent articles in post carousel. Previously, we’ve shown you how to display any image or text in carousel using Carousel plugin. From the same plugin author, introducing Post

How to Install WordPress Plugins in Bulk

Whenever I develop a WordPress site for clients or a WordPress theme, I usually will install some amounts of WordPress plugin. While other developers might use different plugins, for basic WordPress site installation, I usually will install WordPress SEO, Regenerate Thumbnail, Ninja Forms, Wordfence, W3 Total Cache and few other plugins. However, installing all those

Introducing Personify Theme

It’s time to give back to the awesome WordPress and Genesis Framework community. (If you’re on Twitter, don’t forget to check out #genesiswp hashtag) Today we’re very proud to announce our first WordPress theme, Personify. Personify is a child theme of Genesis Framework. It’s HTML5, mobile responsive and was designed with simplicity in mind. It’s

How to Brilliantly Share Food Recipes in WordPres

If you’re a mommy or food blogger, chances are you want to share some recipes you just tried or found somewhere else. While you can simply write them as any other post, there’s a better way to share food recipes in WordPress. Introducing Easy Recipe plugin. Luckily, it’s a free WordPress plugin and is available

8 Best WordPress Themes for App Showcase

If you’re launching a new app, a great landing page is very important as it will give first impression to other people about your app. While any WordPress theme can be modified and redesign to create a landing page to showcase your app, we decided to share with you 8 great, hand-picked WordPress themes for app

How to Use Octicons Icon Font in WordPress

Github just announced the released of their official icon font, known as Octicons to public. Previously, we’ve written various tutorials on how to use other icon fonts in WordPress such as Genericons and Font Awesome and adding Octicons icon font support to any WordPress site is no different. Registering Octicons Icon Font 1. First, get a

WP Rocket: Premium WordPress Caching Plugin

If you never heard about WP Rocket, you’ve come to the right place. WP Rocket plugin is a first commercial WordPress caching plugin and is relatively new compared to other caching plugins such as W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache. Although the plugin was just released internationally few months ago, the plugin was first released