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How to Add Twitter Handle to Jetpack Sharing Module

Jetpack has many great features, including Sharing module to add popular social sharing buttons such as Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Pinterest and few more to every post on your site. Adding those buttons will make it easier for your readers to share your article to their social network, thus better exposure to your article. In

How to Customize or Remove [...] from WordPress Excerpts

Excerpt is a good way to shorten your article, it’s more like a summary of the article. Other than front page, some themes may use excerpts on the archive pages as well.The default WordPress excerpts are limited to first 55 words of the content and ends with ellipsis [...] at the end of the paragraph.

How to Remove HTML Allowed Tags in WordPress Comment Section

WordPress introduced HTML allowed tags in comment form since WordPress 3.0. This is the text you will see after the comment box that reads: You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href=”” title=””> <abbr title=””> <acronym title=””> <b> <blockquote cite=””> <cite> <code> <del datetime=””> <em> <i> <q cite=””> <strike> <strong> We’ve seen lots

Winners for 3 Premium WordPress Themes from 7Theme Announced

For the last two weeks, we organized another giveaway from 7Theme for our beloved readers. Thanks everyone for your support! Thanks to our generous sponsor, 7Theme for sponsoring these great prizes – 3 Premium WordPress Themes. We’re pretty sure lots of you guys want to be one of the winners. The winners were chosen randomly, thanks to the help

How to Add Numbers to WordPress Comments

Have you ever seen a WordPress site with a number beside the comments form? This is an example from a site we did for a client recently. Personally, we believe there’s no real benefit of having the numbers beside your comments but adding the numbers probably will make your site looks more unique. To add

Adding a Custom CSS Editor to WordPress Site

There is time when you need to change or overwrite the plugin CSS file so I will blend nicely to your site design. For example, here in, sometimes we’re using a Notification Bar to make important announcement such as latest giveaway or deal. Since the original appearance of the Notification Bar plugin doesn’t looks

Adding Dummy Content to BuddyPress Site

Is you’re a developer building a WordPress theme that adds support for BuddyPress, using a dummy content is best way to know how your theme look like. Dummy content allow you to see everything or make sure every element of your site is displayed correctly as they should be. Currently there are many plugins available